Recently, there had been a rumor spreading throughout the internet, it is about dogs getting gastric cramps and risking their lives after eating ice cubes or drinking ice water, here's how the story goes: " WARNING regarding Ice Water and Ice Cubes in your Dogs [sic] Water Bowl Hello Everyone, I am writing this in hopes that some may learn from what I just went through. We were having a good weekend till Saturday. On Saturday I showed my Baran and left the ring. He was looking good and at the top of his game. He had a chance at no less then one of the two AOM's. It did not work out that way. After showing we went back to our site/set up and got the dogs in their crates to cool off. After being back about 30 min. I noticed Baran was low on water. I took a hand full of ice from my cooler and put it in his bucket with more water. We then started to get all the dogs Ex'ed and food ready for them. I had Baran in his 48' crate in the van because this is the place h...